
Across all of the schools, there was a wide variety of curricular materials and PD resources used. Some of these materials were developed by the project team; some materials were developed in collaboration between the PD providers and teachers to meet specific teachers’ needs; and some materials were well-established materials from outside developers.

Below is a list of these resources.

Informational Resources Developed by the Project Team:

LEARN from the project team about CT integration efforts, our learnings and more about this work!

  • WATCH the CSforALL Community Cal 
  • LISTEN to the Education Excellence Podcast on CT Integration

READ about this work and what we’ve learned:

Professional Development Resources Used in Case Models:

The CT Integration Framework, developed by project partners, helps schools complete a self-assessment in order to determine their starting places, develop short and long term goals, and prioritize elements of CT to focus on during each stage of integration.

The New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) developed the following Computational Thinking Strategy Guide to help serve as a road-map for teachers to build foundational steps towards integrating computational thinking across curriculum subjects through unplugged (without technology) and plugged (with technology) activities.

Curricular Resources:

Case models relied on a variety of coding platforms and technology-focused curricular materials . The following list includes resources used across the case models:

Resources for supporting diversity and inclusion in CS/CT integration efforts:

Additional Resources:

In addition to these resources, below are examples of CS/CT standards and learning trajectories:

Examples of learning trajectories and models of integration

Examples of CS/CT Standards